6 Mind Blowing Health Benefits of Eating Ice Cream
Here are 6 mind blowing health benefits of eating ice cream.Take a look!
Ice cream has mineralsand vitamins
When eating a scoop of ice cream, you can surely be gettingmilk and cream into your body. And, milk and cream are important sources ofcalcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, and phosphorus, provide goodnourishment to your body. Also, depend on the flavour of ice cream you like – Youcan get even more nutrition.
It can reduce yourcancer risk
The calcium content in ice cream is very high. This calciumcontent can help reduce the chances of colon cancer. Calcium protects patientswho are at high risk of developing polyps that may lead to colorectal or coloncancer. After the calcium supplementation stops, these benefits last a bit, butyou don't have to continuously eat ice cream to see these benefits.
It helps boost yourimmunity
No, it's not shocking that ice cream can actually good foryour immune system. Ice cream is a form of fermented food and our respiratoryand gastrointestinal health is said to benefit from fermented food. When youhave a better respiratory system and have good gut fitness, your immunity willgradually increase.
It can help combatinfertility
As per the Harvard study published in the journal HumanReproduction, eating whole milk or ice cream can increase your chances ofhaving a baby. In this study, women who ate full-fat ice cream two or moretimes per week had a 38% lower risk of ovulation-related infertility than womenwho had eaten full-fat ice cream less than once a week.
It makes you happier
Ice cream helps make serotonin, a hormone that let you feelhappier. Therefore, many medical professionals suggested to people who arestruggle with a seasonal affective disorder to keep some ice cream on handduring the winter season as a pick-me-up. As if you needed another reason tohave Gelato ice cream at any time, now you can say the doctor recommended it.
Ice cream providesenergy
Ice cream not only contains vitamins but has plenty ofcalories. Sugarfree Ice cream is abundant in carbs, fats andproteins, both of which are important for energy production in our bodies, butnote to consume in moderation, since too much of a good thing may haveundesired results as well.
Eating Ice cream is a delightful way to commemorate anyevent. It can also make someone happy instantaneously, but it doesn't imply youshould eat it every day or include it in your diet on a regular basis. Enjoythe various flavours of your favourite ice creams, but keep in mind that icecream should be consumed in moderation.
There are many famous ice cream parlours in Delhi, both online as well as in offline marketplaces,which offer delicious and quality ice-creams.
Happy Reading!